Karen Carson

November 23, 2013 – January 4, 2014

Karen Carson
Karen Carson
Karen Carson
Karen Carson
Karen Carson
Karen Carson
Karen Carson
Karen Carson
Karen Carson
Karen Carson
Karen Carson
Karen Carson
Karen Carson
Karen Carson
Karen Carson
Karen Carson
Karen Carson
Karen Carson
Karen Carson

Press Release

Following her last show at Rosamund Felsen Gallery, which featured paintings on large unstretched canvas depicting various states of the human condition, Karen Carson’s focus once again redirects outward toward her environment. Spending much time at her Montana ranch with her husband and having always had romantic notions of expansive western skylines and vast landscapes, Carson fixates on the icon of the contemporary American tractor.

For her new series, Carson once again presents large-scale paintings on unstretched canvas as well as paintings on paper. Here, seemingly mundane machinery is transformed into magnificent & bold imagery, full of character and appearing larger than life – all painted with fidelity to Carson’s established painterly style. Depicting these contemporary American tractors, which are each placed in brilliantly painted landscapes in line with the vibrancy of her past works, Carson explores a rural and agricultural emblem that had yet to be studied in her oeuvre.